
Product Overview

KAP-Phos is expertly blended with complementary minerals, fertilizers, and soil amendments to enhance the release and uptake of phosphate by plants. These blends are designed to maximize efficiency and improve soil health, incorporating ingredients like humates, sulfate of potash, elemental sulfur, gypsum, and biostimulants. Each blend is tailored to optimize nutrient availability and boost crop performance for sustainable agricultural production.

Application Guidelines

Timing: After fall harvest, spring, or at seeding

Rate: 150-400 lbs/acre, depending on soil phosphorus levels, crop type, and growing conditions. A soil test is recommended for precise recommendations.

Methods: Broadcast, band, side-dress, or incorporate for optimal availability.

Tips: Consider adding Kap-Phos to high carbon substances including compost, peat, or humates to promote release of nutrients. 

Technical Specifications

Physical Form: Available in powder or granular form

Packaging: Bulk, including bulk bags

Shipping: Pick-up or delivery via the most economical route 

Key Benefits


Phosphorus: Gradually releases over time, minimizing environmental losses and reducing the need for frequent applications. 


Calcium: Strengthens cell walls, contributes to growth, and improves nutrient uptake. 


Iron: Enhances chlorophyll production, leading to greener, healthier plants.