Volunteering your time to a worthy cause is one of the most rewarding experiences you can have. Not only do you get involved with your community, but you also meet some awesome people who share the same values and commitment as you!

Thank you for your interest in becoming a Facebook Admin for Winnipeg Lost Dog Alert. We value each and every minute our volunteers commit to the assistance of getting dogs home.

What does it take to be an Admin?

  • Access to the internet
  • Access to a Facebook account
  • Ability to use email
  • 6 hrs per week minimum
  • Dedication and Commitment
  • Able to control your feelings
  • Maintain a polite disposition
  • Ability to follow instructions

You can…

  • Work from your home.
  • Set your own schedule. Work however long you can with as many shifts to make up the 6 hours per week minimum.

We will…

  • Train you in the comfort of your home, over the phone.
  • Invite you to use Google Calendar to schedule your shifts.
  • Provide our guidelines and cheat sheets to help you work the page.

If interested, please fill out and send the form below. One of our fabulous Admins or our Executive Director will get back to you to make arrangements for training. Again, thank you for choosing Winnipeg Lost Dog Alert!

Your Information

Please fill out the form below.

Address *
WINNIPEG LOST DOG ALERT INC. CONFIDENTIALITY AND NON-DISCLOSURE AGREEMENT This Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement is given to Winnipeg Lost Dog Alert Inc. (WLDA) in consideration of service on the Board of Directors or Volunteer Employment provided by Winnipeg Lost Dog Alert Inc. I acknowledge that as part of my involvement with WLDA (either Volunteer Employment or Board Member), I will be given access to information that is of a *personal, confidential and/or proprietary nature, and therefore agree: - To hold all Confidential Information in trust and strict confidence and agree that it shall be used only for the purposes required to fulfill WLDA obligations, and shall not be used for any other purpose, or disclosed to any third party. - To keep any **Confidential Information in my control or possession in a physically secure location to which only I and other persons who have signed a Confidentiality Agreement with WLDA have access. - Not to remove or copy any Confidential Information from WLDA or our Volunteer/Board pages/groups unless, and to the extent that, I obtain WLDA’s written pre-authorization. - Whenever I am so pre-authorized, I agree to take all necessary steps to keep such Confidential Information secure and to protect such Confidential Information from unauthorized use, reproduction or disclosure. - To maintain the absolute confidentiality of Personal, Confidential and Proprietary Information ***in recognition of the privacy and proprietary rights of others at all times, and in both professional and social situations. - To comply with all privacy laws and regulations, which apply to the collection, use and disclosure of Personal Information. - At the conclusion of any discussions, or upon demand by management, to return all Confidential Information, including prototypes, code, written notes, photographs, sketches, models, memoranda or notes taken, to WLDA's possession and the responsible manager/director. - Not to disclose Confidential, Personal and/or Proprietary Information to any employee, consultant or third party unless they agree to execute and be bound by the terms of this agreement and have been approved by WLDA in an official, legal capacity. I understand that a breach of confidentiality or misuse of information could result in termination of Volunteer Employment / Board membership and legal action. The laws of Manitoba, Canada shall govern this Agreement and its validity, construction and effect. I agree that Winnipeg Lost Dog Alert Inc. and its Board Members will not be held responsible for any accidents, personal injury, damages of any sorts or loss of any kind, caused to me or by me, while I, the person named above, is involved in any activities related to Winnipeg Lost Dog Alert Inc. I understand that this Agreement survives the termination of my official relationship with WLDA. * Personal Information is any information about an "identifiable individual". ** Confidential Information is any information which is designated by WLDA as confidential. *** Proprietary Information is any information which is designated by WLDA as proprietary like trade secrets, and research data. By submitting this form, I as per named above, fully understand and accept responsibilities set above in this Confidentiality and Non-Disclosure Agreement. By submitting this form this will be my electronic signature for me name mentioned above.